Hong Kong protests and the coronavirus

The protests in Hong Kong have been going on since March 2019 and were initially ignited out of opposition to absorption into mainland china legislation being pushed by Carrie Lam, Hong Kong Chief executive. Since then it has evolved into something much greater then what was initially intended but with the current outbreak of the Corona Virus, it has added new challenges to the protest. There have already been 8 deaths and 100 confirmed cases of the virus. The main issue people in Hong Kong have with this current situation is that they feel the Hong Kong government is not taking the necessary steps to protect the people. Despite the current state of Emergency there is still travel allowed between Hong Kong and Mainland China, it has not been cut off.  Despite this, the virus has brought some unity to the democracy and establishment camps in their disapproval of the government's response. They feel that allowing thousands of people in and out of Hong Kong every day will only make the situation worse for everyone. There have been some means made to reduce travel to be fair however the people believe that 100% travel restriction must be implemented to be effective.



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